Monday, April 6, 2009


Yes, it's back or at least it's more popular again. My daughter recently exchanged personal training sessions for getting her apartment cleaned. During my pet sitting career I had a wonderful client who was an interior designer. I exchanged pet sitting services for interior designing consultation! Believe me I could never have afforded her expertise and taste level otherwise. My living room never looked better! You just have to figure out the cost exchange! For more info:

Free Stuff

Travel and explore the world - Read!
Your local library is one of the best places and the easiest to get free stuff and books are an easy and inexpensive way to travel and explore the world without really leaving home! Libraries are fabulous places that not only have regular books you can borrow! Most have audio books, e-books, videos, DVDs, computers, training courses, meeting spaces and lots more. If you haven't visited one lately, you don't know what you're missing! And go to more than one - the closest one might be convenient, but another one in your county might have different things to offer! And all for the price of a library card - also free! Overwhelmed when you first walk in with everything there is to offer? Ask at the desk, most often they have the nicest folks working there who are happy to help you find what you want or didn't even know that you wanted. Check this out:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Other ways to save

Save on your cable, internet, telephone bill -
Don't you hate cable and phone companies!! They tease you with low (and that's relative) introductory prices, then gradually increase the monthly amounts - phone starts out at $19.99 and before you even realize it, it's up to $49.00 per month! Short of cancelling and changing to another company where the same thing is likely to occur, call your provider and ask about their customer retention plan. Yes, they will give you a discounted rate to stay with them. Of course, they don't advertise this and you might have to ask for another rep, but believe me most of them would prefer you stay with them than to go with a different company. Get them to make it worth your while to stay with them!

Suspend certain services
If you're away alot or you just don't watch that much TV and only want all those bells and whistles that cable companies offer,on occasion like when your college kids or special company are coming into town (you know, those 200 HBO and Show Time channels that make your bill enormous), check into suspending those services until you need/want them. If you only need basic cable all the time and the bells and whistles for special occasions, it's worth the $$ you'll save. Just be sure you say "suspend" and not "cancel" and be sure they won't charge a reconnection fee.

Save on Pet Care
Vets can be expensive! Check with your local County Board of Health for free or reduced rabies shots for your cat(s) and dogs. They are usually offered several times a year at various locations around the county. The 2009 Guilford County Low Cost Rabies Vaccination Clinic Schedule can be found at: Make sure you have your dog(s) on a leash and the cat(s) in a carrier!

Save the Planet -
1) Forget those plastic bags. Take reusable bags everywhere you shop:

To the grocery store - some stores will even give you credit on your bill or your frequent shoppers account for each of your own bags you use.

To your favorite specialty store - I don't know about you but I don't need another Victoria Secret shopping bag. They're pretty but what do you do with them once you get them home and you take out your items? If you're like me they take up storage space because they're just too nice to throw away!

To the wine store - they even have special bags with individual compartments for up to six bottles!

Only getting one or two items - do you really need a bag?

Just make it a habit to put your reusable bags back in your car, purse (I keep a small one in my purse at all times) or backpack so you always have them with you.

2) Wire Hangers: Take them to the dry cleaners. They gladly accept them whether you got them from them or not.

3) Styrofoam - peanuts or packaging: You can't put them in the recycle bins, however, mailing operations like Mail Box, etc., UPS stores love the stuff for packing boxes for mailing! No styrofoam cups or plates though!!

4) Napkins - use real napkins that you can wash and reuse. We don't have paper napkins in our house anymore. And while I realize paper towels are probably more sanitary than regular towels in the bathroom and kitchen - try to get the family members to only use one at a time. Do you really need three to dry your hands?

5) Cell Phones - Old cell phones can serve a wonderful purpose other than piling up in your drawers or in landfills: Church groups, youth groups, and other nonprofit organizations, etc. PASS Your Used Cell Phone to phones FOR life:
Protecting the Environment
Assisting Seniors
Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence
Saving Kids
Or sell them online or at a yard sale.
RadioShack collects used cell phones for violence victims
Other locations can be found at Call 2 Recycle
Whichever you choose to do with them, be sure to clean off your saved phone numbers! Go to Wireless Recycling for information on how to accomplish this!

6) Plant a garden! We've had one since we first got married. (Michelle Obama is right on time with the one at the White House!) Try to grow the things you use a lot. We always grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and herbs. Don't have a lot of space? Use pots. The shade from a large tree in my yard took over my wonderful garden area that I'd had for several years. So I moved lots of the garden into pots to another area where there's more sun. Added bonus, they can be moved again if necessary. I even have container size lemon, lime and orange plants (they were moved indoors during the cold weather). Herbs are in pots on the deck closer to the kitchen for easier access. My girls now 24 and 25 used to love picking the tomatoes and string beans and learning how to cut herbs for use in our meals. They're in apartments now and I'm hoping they will consider planting in pots! And don't forget to share with neighbors, friends and co-workers if you have enough - plant extra if you can just for that purpose.

7) Compost: recyle old food to make new dirt for your garden. Vegetable and fruit peals, old lettuce, coffee grinds, etc. Just no meat, meat by-products, dairy products or oil.

8) Consider getting a rain barrel to collect rain water for your garden and plants. Or you can make your own. Check out:

Energy -
1) Install programmable thermastats to change the temperature in the house for a lower or higher temperature based on when you're at home, away or asleep. If I can install one, trust me they are not that difficult, so can you - just be sure to turn off the electricity first! Install one in each zone.

2) Change out those old standard incandescent bulbs for the longer lasting Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs. They come in lots of different wattages and shapes and sizes. They even make dimmable ones now. For additional information about these bulbs including proper disposal check out:

3) Unplug electronics and electrical items that are not used all the time including your cell phone charger!

4) Caulk and install weather stripping and/insulation around your windows, doors and even the electrical outlets close to the outdoors (electric outlet sealers - fire retardant plastic form -Thermal products, Co., Inc.) - you'll save $$ since there's a lot less cold air coming in during the cooler months and a lot less a/c going out during warm months.

5) Your clothes dryer - Remove the lint from the filter after every use. It will be more efficient and you won't have that as a fire hazard to worry about.

6) Replace your furnace filters regularly: You'll be amazed how dirty they get and changing them will not only help your furnace work less, but your inside air will be cleaner too (especially helpful if you have animals!) Dirty filters have been compared to trying to breathe through a sock - yikes!

7) Save on gas by changing the oil in your car every 3,000 miles or when suggested by your manufacturer, keeping your tire pressure accurate and not driving around with tons of stuff in your car (might even be an incentive to lose a few lbs yourself?)and I promise your vehicle will run more efficiently and save on gas.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Challenge, Negotiate, Compromise, Document

I don't know about your wireless telephone service, but the one we recently fired could not get our bill straight for more than 1 billing cycle at a time and of course it was always in their favor. I was on the phone with them every month to correct errors - several times in excess of $200.00. This is especially true if you have teenagers or young adults who use different features that the company likes to overcharge for. And whenever I have to do this, I feel I should be compensated for my time so I also want either a credit, additional minutes - something! My time is worth it - isn't yours? Document all conversations - date, time, name of the person(s) you spoke with and if possible get a confirmation number for the credit. If you don't get the answer you want, don't be afraid to ask for the next person up the ladder until you're satisfied. Some years back when my daughter was having problems with her computer, after talking with a number of foreign customer service reps from Dell, I finally contacted Michael Dell directly. She got a new computer! Recently when we decided to end our wireless contract before they said it was up, they said we would have to pay a penalty. I challenged! Guess who won? However, I was really nice and promised that if the new carrier didn't work out we'd consider coming back.

I pay bills on line but only after I've checked the complete statement for accuracy. No automatic payments unless you know that the amount will be the same each month - like your mortgage. It's tough to get your money back once they have it. But that's not the only place you can negotiate. I love my mechanic but not long ago, he was not able to fix a window on my vehicle but wanted to charge me for looking at it. I didn't have a problem with paying him for trying, but he agreed to a reduced amount since he didn't fix it. The dealership recently wanted to charge me a ridiculous amount to program my new remote, I challenged them and ended up paying nothing.

Rebates! Why don't they just reduce the price up front?! But if you find you have to send in for one, be sure you document it and keep copies until you get your $$. Put a tickler on your calendar when the 6 weeks comes up, then another one at 8 weeks, periodically check the status online and after 9 weeks, call them! Also, always open all your mail before you discard it. The rebate companies like to send the checks in a non descript envelope that look like junk mail. If it goes into the trash - it's uncashed! They win. Don't let them.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Returning Things

Don't be afraid to take things back! Anything. Just be sure to hold onto your receipts, that makes it easier. I have folders for receipts (Walmart, Costco, Target), (Drug Stores), (Grocery Stores), (Athletic stores-Dicks, Omega, Sport Authority), (JCPenny), etc. Often I make grocery lists for my husband and attach the coupons, mostly he ignores them, when I finally decide to go ahead and pick up the items, that's usually on the same day he might decide to go shopping as well. There have been occasions we have bought duplicate items. I take them all back. Some asparagus he picked up from the grocery store last week that looked terrible plus it was on sale for cheaper at another store. The Harris Teeter asparagus is in the frig in a bag with the receipt. I will return it when I need to go back to the store again along with the crab legs in the freezer that didn't smell fresh when we unwrapped them last week. Several times I purchased hard good items at Costco or other places only to see them go on sale a couple of months later. (I also save packaging for awhile), I return them for the sale price. When I buy clothes (anywhere), on sale of course, I will check back to see if the items get marked down again, if so, I take the receipt and get an adjustment on the item(s)! I've purchased plants from Home Depot or Lowes, and on occasion, they have not survived (not sure if the dog marking them had anything to do with it), but they are guaranteed for a year, if the year is not up, I dig them up and return them. Just be sure to be nice to the sales person when you're explaining why you're returning.

What to do if you forget your coupons

If you forget your grocery store coupons, don't panic. My husband forgets to use them almost every time he goes to the grocery store - I check the receipts, take the coupons and receipt back to the store and get the money. Remember that many stores offer to double coupons under $1.00 so it's worth using any coupon up to .99 for many items. I've also taken a coupon back to other stores as well. Usually most stores don't have a problem even if they have to go through the process of returning the items on the receipt to apply the coupon.

Friday, February 13, 2009

What I do to save $$

I rarely buy anything that's not on sale or I don't have a coupon for. That goes for restaurant meals, groceries, toiletries, clothes, pet supplies, etc. I comb the newspaper and the internet for coupons Everyday Savings Center at AARP,,, etc.) and even contact companies whose products I like but can't seem to find coupons for. After contacting the makers of Fresh Express Salads, they sent me 4 coupons to use. Then search through the grocery and drug store circulars to find who has a sale going for that product and you can often get it for less than half price especially if it's on sale for BOGO(Buy One Get One - Free)! The Attractions and Entertainment coupon books often have BOGO items at restaurants as well as other retailers. If you want lunch and are eating alone get one for the next day! My friend and I both have books and we each go through and share the ones that the other would use. I give her all the Great Clips coupons out of my book for her haircuts, she gives me Whole Foods! I take my coupons anywhere that I drive, including vacations. I once left them at the Walmart in Myrtle Beach. I really panicked. However, I called them and they were found and I had them mail the box to me in Greensboro! I sent a small reward. Believe me it was worth it. I also believe in sharing. Often when I'm standing in line to pay for something and I notice someone has something in their cart that I have a coupon for and I'm not going to use it soon, I share it, especially if it's going to expire soon. A friend just turned me onto a new site that I can't wait to try. Another one I just learned about is - it's fabulous!!!